Periodontal Health

Dear Patients,

Summer is on it’s way out, the Tribe is still in first place, and the Browns…well, that’s another story. My staff and I hope that all our students have a wonderful academic year, full of great learning experiences.

Periodontal disease is where the gums, jaw bone, attachment ligaments, and roots of the teeth are in an unhealthy state. This disease is usually without signs or symptoms and can often go unnoticed. The treatment of periodontal disease can be surgical or non-surgical.

The non-surgical treatment is called root planing and scaling. This term describes the procedure where a patient is anesthetized with a local anesthetic, and the root and crowns of the teeth are cleaned with hand instruments and ultrasonic devices. This will remove all the tartar, calculus, and bacterial accretions (deposits). The process allows the tissues that surround the teeth to reestablish a healthy relationship with the roots of the teeth.

Our treatment protocal is based on a large study performed by that school up north (the one that has not won a football game this season). This deep cleaning (physical debridement) is combined with an oral antibiotic and a prescription strength oral mouthwash. These adjuncts help eleminate the bacterias that cause periodontal disease and reestablish a “healthy oral flora” of good bacteria. This philosophy also incorporates the need to educate patients on how to maintain their oral hygiene to sustain their healthy state. This process can have amazing results in helping patients keep an intact dentition. Long term studies have shown this process can often eliminate the need for surgical intervention.

If you or someone you love needs periodontal treatment please contact our office for a complimentary consultation.


Michael W. Dagostino, DDS

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