December 2019

“Rejoice with your family in the beautiful land of life” Albert Einstein

A recent large study out of the University of Helsinki showed a higher exposure to commonly used oral antibiotics is linked to an increased risk of Parkinson’s disease. The study suggests that excessive use of certain antibiotics can predispose patients to Parkinson’s disease with a delay of 10 to 15 years. The connection may be explained by their disruptive effects on the gut microbial ecosystem.

The link between antibiotics exposure and Parkinson’s disease fits the current view that in a significant portion of patients the pathology of Parkinson’s may originate in the gut, related to microbial changes, years before the onset of typical Parkinson’s motor symptoms such as slowness, muscle stiffness and shaking of extremities.

Our office is dedicated to only prescribing appropriate antibiotics when indicated and necessary.

Michael W. Dagostino DDS

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